Pilates Matwork

Pilates is a low impact form of exercise, with particular emphasis on core strength to improve general fitness and well-being.

When Joseph Hubertus Pilates first developed his fitness method that is now known as ‘Pilates’, he called it ‘contrology’ – the science of control. The focus of the method is performing the exercises in a controlled, fluid and balanced way to improve muscle endurance, mobility and coordination.

Pilates has something to offer people of all ages and levels of ability and fitness. Regular Pilates classes can help to improve posture and joint mobility, strength and muscle endurance, as well as relieve stress and tension. Some elite athletes, including dancers and figure skaters, use Pilates as a complementary way of exercising to improve core strength, posture and joint mobility, with a view to reduce the risk of injury as a result.

Photograph of a pilates spirals class, showing participants lying on mats and using mini-balls to support their torso